Lesson programs' websites content pared down

Most of the content on the three lesson programs' websites will now be accessed from the main Carpentries website.

The content on the three Carpentries lesson programs websites - Data Carpentry, Software Carpentry, and Library Carpentry - has been pared down to only display each lesson program’s lessons, past and upcoming workshops, and its governance structure. All other content pertaining to each lesson program has been incorporated into the main website of The Carpentries. Users of the satellite websites can be redirected from the lesson program websites to The Carpentries website. This change was effected on 29 July 2024.

This latest development comes shortly after our announcement that the three lesson programs’ blog posts have been merged into The Carpentries blog as part of our ongoing journey towards consolidating our lesson programs and our resources under one, unified, identity as The Carpentries. We are also in the process of redesigning our main website and handbooks, and we will update the community on progress on the redesigned resources closer to the time of their relaunch.

If you have any queries about these developments, please feel free to reach out to team@carpentries.org.

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